How To Master Your Life And Design Your Retirement

Without Losing Clarity Or Balance In Life. By Staying In A vibrant Bhagavadgitaforlife Online Community !


Join Balaji Prasad Yeddula, for a FREE WEBINAR, and learn how to achieve disease-free body, mental peace, and emotional happiness, into your retirement years, staying together in an online community.
Balaji Prasad Yeddula has the expertise and experience to guide you on your journey !


Are you a Retirement Planning Adult trying to achieve disease free body, mental peace and emotional happiness, into your retirement years, and not just financial freedom alone ? And in your journey you want to have total clarity and find balance in all material and spiritual areas of life? Then don't miss this exclusive Webinar for ultimate guidance through the principles and teachings of Bhagavadgita.

Parents & Children

Parents & Children

Doctors & Health Professionals

Doctors & Health Professionals

Engineers & Architects

Engineers & Architects

Managers & Accountants

Managers & Accountants



Teachers & Professors

Teachers & Professors

Trainers & Coaches

Trainers & Coaches

Actors & Artists​

Contribution to Society

Do you face any problems in these 6 areas of your life ?

Many face challenges in these six areas of life, but there is a solution. By joining our webinar, you will gain access to the tools and strategies you need to achieve success in life, based on Bhagavad-Gita, the essence of all vedic knowledge. Don't let these struggles hold you back any longer. Sign up now and take the first step towards a purposeful and fulfilling life.

Personal Health

Personal Health

Personal Development

Personal Development

Family & Friends

Family & Friends

Wealth & Lifestyle

Wealth & Lifestyle

Career & Business

Career & Business

Contribution to Society

Contribution to Society

6 steps to a purposeful and fulfilling life

Balaji Prasad Yeddula has developed a 6 step model to a purposeful and fulfilling life. By attending this webinar, you will learn how to apply this model to your life, and see results in 6 months. Don't miss out this opportunity to change your life and lives of many others around you.


Understand Your Self, Your Ecosystem, Your Activities, Your Time In This World, Supreme Controller Above These.


Set End Of Life Goal together with goals in the other 6 areas of your life above.


Change your mindset, make your mind your friend. Then set strategy.


Stay in a community, for Synergy, and learn from each other, and teach each other, for quick results. Community drives results not you alone.


Implement the system, daily habit tracker, daily journal, simple small steps, enrich and grow your life, through the principles and teachings of Bhagavad-Gita.


Review, Readjust and Repeat Steps 1 to 5 above every 6 months. Legacy Planning. Grow your tree, under the shade of which, future generations can lead a meaningful, purposeful and fulfilling life.


3 secrets you'll learn in this webinar





Hi, I am Balaji Prasad Y

I am the founder of "Bhagavadgita For Life-Hub"

I am on a mission to help 100,000 Retirement Planning Adults, achieve disease-free body, mental peace, and emotional happiness, in to their retirement years, using our system "Master Your Life, Design Your Retirement" through the principles of Bhagavadgita.



Join Balaji Prasad Yeddula, in this 90-minute interactive webinar, where you’ll learn, Bhagavad Gita which is source of scientific knowledge about life, purpose of life. How the teachings of Bhagavad-Gita help us in maintaining a healthy body, peaceful mind and spiritual Happiness.

This webinar is specifically designed for Retirement Planning Adults, however this helps any inquisitive persons from all walks of life, who want to know how Bhagavad Gita can help in their current struggles and tribulations.

Before the session, ensure that you have a notepad and pen nearby for taking notes. Additionally, it is recommended to log in to the session from a laptop for a more enhanced visual experience as Balaji Prasad will be sharing his PPT and mindmaps to assist in understanding the concepts.

Balaji Prasad Yeddula has been offering freely his knowledge and experience in person over the last 3 decades. Now according to the times, is trying to reach more people from this year, through a more structured and systematic approach, creating a Bhagavadgitaforlife – Hub, over the internet. He will be discussing the benefits of joining and Staying in his online community, and he will reveal the membership fees, and some exclusive offers.


Learn to find total clarity about your life.. Find balance in different areas of your life - personal development, career and business, wealth & lifestyle, family & friends, Contribution & Charity.

Balaji Prasad

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